Profit Improvement Program
Sign up now and we will send you our FREE Mini MBA Profit Improvement Program!
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The Mini MBA is a newsletter program that provides business coaches, consultants and managers with a new profit improvement tip every 20 days. Topics include marketing, sales, innovation, employee morale and customer satisfaction.
Each newsletter contains an explanation of why your business needs to consider the area in focus, a sample company template and a fill in the blanks template for you to complete that will help you analyze, reassess and improve your business on every level…
Examples of the type of material you will receive
- List of Newsletter Topics
- SAMPLE NEWSLETTER – How to Increase Customer Satisfaction
- Sample Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Sample Employee Strategy Survey
- Sample Employee Satisfaction Survey
- One Page Scorecard & Business Plan Methodology
- Employee Morale & Community
These tools have received great reviews from Business Managers, Consultants, Accountants, CEO’s & Business Brokers. Simply enter your details below and you will receive a new profit improvement tip every 20 days.
More Free Resources for Coaches & Consultants
If you are interested in becoming a business coach, consultant or a MAUS Accredited Partner, enter your details above and select “Consultant” for business type. We will then send you information on business coaching and consulting and how you can take advantage of the unparalleled success experienced by MAUS over the last 18 years.